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Holt Township
Political Geographies | Townships
Most recent 04/05/24 - Census Bureau: 76.7% of people in Marshall County were old enough to vote in 2021
Home Lake
Political Geographies | Townships
Most recent 03/17/25 - Norman County residents received $16,332 per capita in government transfers in 2022, ranking 12th in Minnesota
Hughes for Congress
Political Committees | Committee- U.S. Congress Campaign
Most recent 05/29/21 - David Russell Hughes' campaign committee receives $25 from Patricia Anderson
Humboldt Township
Political Geographies | Townships
Most recent 03/23/24 - Census Bureau: 75.1% of people in Clay County were old enough to vote in 2021
Political Geographies | Townships
Most recent 03/11/25 - Marshall County: Residents received $9.2 million per capita from Income Maintenance transfers in 2022