
NW Minnesota News

Saturday, February 22, 2025

ASSUMPTION PARISH - FLORIAN: Assumption Catholic Church - Florian


Assumption Parish - Florian issued the following announcement on Feb. 16. 

ASSUMPTION CATHOLIC CHURCH - FLORIAN26932 - 390TH ST. NW - STRANDQUIST, MN 56758                 www.wiktel.net/assumption     ph: (218) 478-3578assumptionchurch@wiktel.comFacebook Page: Assumption Church FlorianFr. Luis Buitron, Pastor: (218) 242-5689    lbuitron@wiktel.comParish Secretary:  Kelly Nordine   assumptionchurch@wiktel.com

If you or someone you know has been the victim of sexual misconduct on the part of a priest, deacon, or individual representing the Diocese of Crookston, its parishes, or its schools, your first call should be to law enforcement. In addition, the diocesan, Cindy Hulst, LSW, Victim Assistance Coordinator is available at 218-281-7895 (24-hour confidential number).

Mission Statement of Assumption Church – FlorianAs disciples of the teachings of Jesus Christ we, as a Christian Community, focus our time, talent, and treasure on sharing the Gospel of our Lord in Word and Deed.

Tri-Parish Weekend Mass Time February, & MarchAssumption:  Sunday @ 8:30 am; St. Stephen's:  Sunday @ 10:30 am; St. Rose:  Saturday @ 5 pmTRI-PARISH WEEKDAY MASS TIMESSt. Rose:  Tuesdays: Adoration 4:00 pm & Mass @ 5:00 pm; St. Stephens: Wednesday's @ 8:30 am Assumption:  Thursdays @ 6:00 pm. Reconciliation:  before Saturday 5:00 pm Mass: 4:30-5:00 pm.; before Sunday 8:30 am Mass: 8:00-8:30 am; no Reconciliation before 10:30 am Mass, or by Appointment (call Fr. Luis).Prayer Request Book is on a table in the back of the church by the Holy Water.

Assumption-Florian Parish Bulletin February 19, 2023

“But I say to you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you…” MATTHEW 5:44 Love your enemies, easier said than done. But remember, the foundation of stewardship is prayer. When we are in close communication with God, it opens our heart, and it turns our attention away from “me” and moves it towards God and others. It changes my heart and actions, allowing for a little more empathy for “my enemy.” When we pray for others, even our enemies, it may soften their hearts as well.

Sunday February 19, 2023: @ 8:30 am Mass Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time

Assumption-Florian would like to welcome Bishop Andrew Cozzens!Potluck Brunch after mass! All are welcome!Mass Intention: For Frances Kazmierczak by Theresa KazmierczakLector: Larry Dziengel Rosary: Jonathan & Rachel PearsonEucharistic Minister: Larry & Ann Dziengel  Altar Servers: Ada, Afton, & Rhett Pearson“You have heard that it was said, “You shall love your neighbor and hate your enemy.’ But I say to you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you.” (Matthew 5:43-44)Ponder: Who are my private and public enemies?Prayer: Lord, you command me to love my neighbor. May your love dispel the hatred and resentment in my heart so that I may love all people unconditionally.Practice: Today I will pray for my enemies.

Wednesday, February 22, 2023: @ 7:30 pm Ash Wednesday

Mass Intention: For Ludwina Budziszewski by Tim & Catherine BudziszewskiLector: Denise Grandstrand Rosary: Jim & Amanda RogusEucharistic Minister: John & Denise Grandstrand  Altar Servers: Taylin, Brayla & Eva RogusCreate a clean heart, O God, and put a new and right spirit within me. (Psalm 51:10)Ponder: What do I plan to work on during Lent?Prayer: Lord, create in me a clean heart and instill within me your spirit of love and peace.Practice: Today I will pray for a change of heart; I will fast from being narcissistic; I will make time for personal prayer and meditation.

Thursday, February 23, 2023: @ 6:00 pm mass

Responsorial Psalm: Blessed are they who hope in the Lord.Mass Intention: For Adeline Borowicz by Adeline’s ChildrenLector:  Alana Kuznia“If any want to become my followers, let them deny themselves and take up their cross daily and follow me.” (Luke 9:23)Ponder: What is my daily cross?Prayer: Lord, you are the center of my life. Give me a trusting heart to remain faithful to you and myself in times of self-doubt and personal struggles.Practice: Today I will pray for a spirit of trust; I will fast from self-doubt; I will dedicate some of my time and resources to a project for the poor.

Sunday February 26, 2023: @ 8:30 am Mass First Sunday of Lent

ASSUMPTION CATHOLIC CHURCH - FLORIAN26932 - 390TH ST. NW - STRANDQUIST, MN 56758                 www.wiktel.net/assumption     ph: (218) 478-3578assumptionchurch@wiktel.comFacebook Page: Assumption Church FlorianFr. Luis Buitron, Pastor: (218) 242-5689    lbuitron@wiktel.comParish Secretary:  Kelly Nordine   assumptionchurch@wiktel.com

If you or someone you know has been the victim of sexual misconduct on the part of a priest, deacon, or individual representing the Diocese of Crookston, its parishes, or its schools, your first call should be to law enforcement. In addition, the diocesan, Cindy Hulst, LSW, Victim Assistance Coordinator is available at 218-281-7895 (24-hour confidential number).

Mission Statement of Assumption Church – FlorianAs disciples of the teachings of Jesus Christ we, as a Christian Community, focus our time, talent, and treasure on sharing the Gospel of our Lord in Word and Deed.

Tri-Parish Weekend Mass Time February, & MarchAssumption:  Sunday @ 8:30 am; St. Stephen's:  Sunday @ 10:30 am; St. Rose:  Saturday @ 5 pmTRI-PARISH WEEKDAY MASS TIMESSt. Rose:  Tuesdays: Adoration 4:00 pm & Mass @ 5:00 pm; St. Stephens: Wednesday's @ 8:30 am Assumption:  Thursdays @ 6:00 pm. Reconciliation:  before Saturday 5:00 pm Mass: 4:30-5:00 pm.; before Sunday 8:30 am Mass: 8:00-8:30 am; no Reconciliation before 10:30 am Mass, or by Appointment (call Fr. Luis).Prayer Request Book is on a table in the back of the church by the Holy Water.

Assumption-Florian Parish Bulletin February 19, 2023

“But I say to you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you…” MATTHEW 5:44 Love your enemies, easier said than done. But remember, the foundation of stewardship is prayer. When we are in close communication with God, it opens our heart, and it turns our attention away from “me” and moves it towards God and others. It changes my heart and actions, allowing for a little more empathy for “my enemy.” When we pray for others, even our enemies, it may soften their hearts as well.

Sunday February 19, 2023: @ 8:30 am Mass Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time

Assumption-Florian would like to welcome Bishop Andrew Cozzens!Potluck Brunch after mass! All are welcome!Mass Intention: For Frances Kazmierczak by Theresa KazmierczakLector: Larry Dziengel Rosary: Jonathan & Rachel PearsonEucharistic Minister: Larry & Ann Dziengel  Altar Servers: Ada, Afton, & Rhett Pearson“You have heard that it was said, “You shall love your neighbor and hate your enemy.’ But I say to you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you.” (Matthew 5:43-44)Ponder: Who are my private and public enemies?Prayer: Lord, you command me to love my neighbor. May your love dispel the hatred and resentment in my heart so that I may love all people unconditionally.Practice: Today I will pray for my enemies.

Wednesday, February 22, 2023: @ 7:30 pm Ash Wednesday

Mass Intention: For Ludwina Budziszewski by Tim & Catherine BudziszewskiLector: Denise Grandstrand Rosary: Jim & Amanda RogusEucharistic Minister: John & Denise Grandstrand  Altar Servers: Taylin, Brayla & Eva RogusCreate a clean heart, O God, and put a new and right spirit within me. (Psalm 51:10)Ponder: What do I plan to work on during Lent?Prayer: Lord, create in me a clean heart and instill within me your spirit of love and peace.Practice: Today I will pray for a change of heart; I will fast from being narcissistic; I will make time for personal prayer and meditation.

Thursday, February 23, 2023: @ 6:00 pm mass

Responsorial Psalm: Blessed are they who hope in the Lord.Mass Intention: For Adeline Borowicz by Adeline’s ChildrenLector:  Alana Kuznia“If any want to become my followers, let them deny themselves and take up their cross daily and follow me.” (Luke 9:23)Ponder: What is my daily cross?Prayer: Lord, you are the center of my life. Give me a trusting heart to remain faithful to you and myself in times of self-doubt and personal struggles.Practice: Today I will pray for a spirit of trust; I will fast from self-doubt; I will dedicate some of my time and resources to a project for the poor.

Sunday February 26, 2023: @ 8:30 am Mass First Sunday of Lent

Mass Intention: For Kenneth Kuznia by James V. KuzniaLector: John Grandstrand   Rosary:  Phil & Heather RogusEucharistic Minister: Julian & Kenneth Stusynski  Altar Servers: Bromley Holmstrom, Isabel Pearson, & Cale Pearson

February Collectors:Jim Rogus, Joe Rogus, Phil Rogus & Jason RominskiMarch Collectors:Robert Safranski, David Stusynski, Leonard Stusynski, & Vernon Stusynski

**2023 Diocesan Annual Appeal **Today is the beginning of the 2023 Diocesan Annual Appeal (DAA). Our theme is BUILD MY CHURCH! The overall DAA goal has been set at $925,000. This goal is shared and pro-rated among our 66 parishes based on the prior year’s offertory and the number of donors who offer more than $50 per year to their parish. Our parish goal for 2023 is $10,105. These gifts help fund the Offices of Formation in Discipleship, Worship, Vocations and Seminarians, the Tribunal, Safe Environment, and Ministerial Standards, Catholic Schools, Communications, the Office of the Bishop, and General Administration of the Pastoral and Retreat Center; ministries that affect our parish family in so many ways!Please, prayerfully review the mailing you have received at home, visit www.crookston.org/DAA for additional information about all the good you do when you support the DAA!

ASSUMPTION SNOW REMOVALFeb. 17-Feb 23 – Trent Youngstrand, Evan Grandstrand, & Matthew Gratzek   Feb. 24-March 2 – John Grandstrand, Randall Kostrzewski & Tom KostrzewskiReminder: Only use liquid spray as de-icer. The granules cannot be used, will damage special coating on the West sidewalk & steps.  Sidewalks need to be cleared for Wednesday RE & prior to Mass.Please remember to clean both sides of the steps on the west side of the church. This is for safety reasons. Thank you.

PRAYER LISTPrayers for Healing:  Mike Adamski, Vernon Stusynski, Rosalia Stusynski

STEWARDSHIP COLLECTIONFebruary 12, 2023 - Adult: $1566.00; Youth: $15.00; Plate: $64.00; Ash Wednesday: $40.00; Utility Fund: $20.00; Total: $1705.00; Repair Fund: 100.00.Thank you for the donation to the Repair fund. It is greatly appreciated. 

RELIGIOUS FORMATION    **No Religion classes on February 22 due to Ash Wednesday Mass at 7:30 pm. All RE students are encouraged to attend.

OTHER ITEMS & UPCOMING EVENTS**First aid kit is located on the counter in the Sacristy.  White icing included in the kit for diabetic reaction.**The Assumption Ladies Group needs a President for 2023. Please contact Cathy Kujawa. We need all officers for the 2023 year. If we do not have officers the job duties will fall on the leaders, co-leaders, and the Secretary. So please we need the officers to help organize and keep our ladies’ groups running. Please give Cathy a call.**Men’ Cursillo Weekend – Would you like to deepen your faith and let Jesus become more involved in your life? Let the Spirit lead you on a Cursillo. The Diocese of Crookston is offering a Men’s Cursillo on the weekend of February 23-26, 2023, at Mount St. Benedict Monastery in Crookston. Applications are available at your parish office or at crookstoncursillo.weebly.com**Ash Wednesday Mass – February 22 - St. Stephen’s @ 7 am, St. Rose of Lime @ 5:30 pm and Assumption of Florian @ 7:30 pm.** “No Greater Love-A Biblical Walk-through Christ’s Passion – will be presented at the Lenten Bible Study. Dr. Edward Sri will once again be the commentator. The Bible Study will begin Wednesday, Feb. 15th and will have six sessions ending March 29th. The 1st three sessions (February 15, March 1 and March  will be held at the Stephen Community Center; and the last three sessions (March 15, March 22 and March 29) will be held at the Argyle Senior Center. The sessions will begin at 6:30 pm.National Eucharist Congress:  July 17-21, 2024 — Reserve tickets now!  As part of the three-year Eucharistic Revival, the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops will be holding a National Eucharistic Congress in Indianapolis, IN, on July 17-21, 2024.  This event, primarily held at Lucas Oil Stadium in downtown Indianapolis, will feature times of adoration, speakers, prayer, and the celebration of Mass.  The Diocese of Crookston was able to secure 250 tickets and the Diocesan Eucharistic Revival Committee is asking pastors to indicate how many tickets they wish to reserve for their parishioners by January 31st.  If you wish to attend, please let your pastor know.  The cost of each ticket is $200, and participants will have additional costs for accommodations (we have not been given hotel rates), meals and transportation.  A link to the National Eucharistic website information about the Congress is here:  https://www.eucharisticcongress.org/**Potluck Brunch - Potluck Brunch at Assumption Florian after mass on Feb. 19th. Group 3 is to set up, serve and clean up. All are welcome.**Worldwide Marriage Encounter – is offering a marriage retreat on March 17-19 at Holy Family church & School in Grand Forks, ND. Live your best life in love! For more information, call Rob & Angie at (701) 347-1998 or apply at ndwwme.org.

Do Something Beautiful for God – The Essential Teachings of Mother TeresaFebruary 17 – When Jesus was dying on the Cross, He said: “I thirst.” Jesus is thirsting for our love, and this is the thirst we all have, rich and poor alike. We all thirst for the love of others, that they go out of their way to avoid harming us and do good to us. This is the meaning of true love, to give until it hurts.February 18 – I alone cannot change the world, but I can cast a stone across the waters to create many ripples.February 19 – God has created us to love and to be loved, and this is the beginning of prayer-to know that He loves me, that I have been created for greater things.February 20 – Let me tell you something: If you feel the weight of your sins, do not be afraid! He is a loving Father; God’s mercy greater than we can imagine.February 21 – Love can be misused for selfish motives. If I love you but at the same time, I want to take from you as much as I can, even the things that are not for me to take. Then there is no true love anymore.February 22 – Whether one is a Hindu or a Muslim or a Christian, how you live your life is proof that you are or are not fully His. We cannot condemn or judge or pass words that will hurt people. We don’t know in what way God is appearing to that soul and what God is drawing that soul to: therefore, who are we to condemn anybody?February 23 – If someone feels that God wants him to transform social structures, that’s an issue between him and his God. We all have the duty to serve God where we feel called. I feel called to help individuals, to love each human being. I never think in terms of crowds in general but in terms of each individual person. Where I to think about crowds, I would never begin anything. It is the person that matters. I believe in person-to-person encounters.

Infant Baptism: Catechetical Class is required; please contact Fr. Luis early during pregnancy or adoption.  Anointing of the Sick: Please call the Parish Office during serious illness or before surgery.  Shut-Ins:  If you know anyone who cannot come to Church, please let the office know, so they can be put on a visiting schedule by a Eucharistic Minister.  Marriage: All Catholics who have decided to enter marriage must see a priest six months prior to the desired date of marriage. If a Catholic is contemplating marriage to a non-Catholic, the Catholic must still contact a priest to fulfill the requirements of the Catholic Church for the marriage to be validly recognized by the Church. Please contact Father Luis, before contacting the church secretary with the date.New Parishioner (s)  If you are interested or know someone who is, in becoming a registered parishioner of Assumption please call the parish office or visit with Father Luis

Original source can be found here.



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